Grabovoi Recovery Of The Human Body

De Thérapies
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Sharp respiratory insufficiency -  	1257814
Sharp cardiovascular insufficiency -  	1895678
Stopping of heart -  	8915678
Traumatic shock, shock and shocklike states - 	1895132


Malignant tumors of the stomatopharynx -  	1235689
Malignant tumors of the small intestine -  	5485143
Malignant tumors of egg -  	5814321
Lymphomas of the skin -  	5891243
Mesothelioma -  	58912434
Melanoma -  	5674321
Neuroblastomas -  	8914567
Of the tumors of the bones are malignant -  	1234589
Tumors of womb -  	9817453
Tumors of the brain (head and spinal) -  	5431547
Tumors of the adrenal gland -  	5678123
Tumors of the cavity of the nose and additional cavities -  	8514256
Tumors of nasopharynx -  	5678910
Tumors of parathyroid gland -  	1548910
Tumors of the pancreas from tumors of the pancreas from 	
Cancer of large duodenal papilla -  	8912345
Cancer of sheath and external sex organs -  	12589121
Cancer of lip -  	1567812
Cancer of stomach -  	8912534
Cancer of gall bladder -  	8912453
Cancer of extra-hepatic bilious ducts -  	5789154
Cancer of the skin -  	8148957
Breast cancer -  	5432189
Cancer of the bladder -  	89123459
Liver cancer -  	5891248
Cancer of gullet  	8912567
Cancer of the pancreas -  	8125891
Cancer of sexual term -  	8514921
Cancer of kidney -  	56789108
Cancer of ureter -  	5891856
Cancer of prostate gland -  	4321890
Cancer of salivary glands -  	9854321
Rhabdomyosarcoma in children -  	5671254
Cancer large intestine (rim and straight line) -  	5821435
Cancer of the thyroid gland -  	5814542
Cancer of ovary -  	4851923
Sarcomas of soft tissues -  	54321891
Sarkoma of Kaposi - 	8214382


Sepsis (sharp) -  	8914321
Sepsis (chronic) - 	8145421


[DVS]- syndrome - 	8123454


Aneurysm of aorta -  	48543218
Aneurysm of heart -  	9187549
Arrhythmias of heart -  	8543210
Arterial impassability -  	81543213
Arterial hypertensions -  	8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotonia) -  	8143546
Atherosclerosis -  	54321898
Blockades of heart -  	9874321
Varicose expansion of veins -  	4831388
[Vaskulity] are system -  	1894238
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) -  	8432910
Hypertonic crises -  	5679102
Hypertonic disease -  	8145432
Myocardial infarction -  	8914325
Ischemic (coronary) disease of heart -  	1454210
Cardialgias -  	8124567
Cardiomyopathies -  	8421432
Cardiosclerosis -  	4891067
Collapse -  	8914320
Pulmonary heart -  	5432111
Myocardial dystrophy -  	85432104
Myocardiopathies -  	8432142
Myocarditis -  	8432110
Insufficiency of blood circulation -  	85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia ([NTSD]) -  	5432150
Edema of lungs -  	54321112
Pericarditis -  	9996127
Defects of heart innate -  	9995437
Defects of heart acquired -  	8124569
Rheumatism -  	5481543
Heart asthma -  	8543214
Heart insufficiency -  	8542106
Vascular insufficiency -  	8668888
Vascular crises -  	8543218
Stenocardia (angina pectoris) -  	8145999
Thrombophlebitis -  	1454580
Endocarditis - 	8545421


Diseases of joints -  	5421891
Arthritis are infectious -  	8111110
Arthritis are microcrystalline -  	14235
Arthritis is rheumatoid -  	8914201
Arthropathy is [psoriaticheskaya] -  	145421
Osteoarthrosis deforming -  	8145812
[Periartrity] -  	4548145
Gout -  	8543215
Rheumatic diseases of perivascular soft tissues -  	1489123
Reuter syndrome ([uretrookulosinovialnyy] syndrome) -  	4848111
Spondylitis [ankiloziruyushchiy] (Bekhterev disease) -  	4891201
Tenosynovitises -  	1489154
[Vaskulity] are system (SV) -  	1894238
Wegener [granulematoz] -  	8943568
Hemorrhagic [vaskulit] -  	8491234
[Gigantokletochnyy] arteritis -  	9998102
[Gudpaschera] syndrome -  	8491454
Periarteritis is nodular -  	54321894
To [takayasu] disease -  	8945432
Thromboangiitis obliterating -  	8945482
Diffuse diseases of connective tissue -  	5485812
Lupus is red system -  	8543148
Dermatomyositis (poly-myositis) -  	5481234
Scleroderma is system -  	1110006
Mixed connective-tissue disease -  	1484019
Sjogren ([Segrena]) syndrome -  	4891456
Rheumatism - 	5481543


Aspergillosis -  	481543271
Bronchial asthma -  	8943548
Bronchiolitis -  	89143215
Bronchitis is sharp -  	4812567
Bronchitis is chronic -  	4218910
Infarction of lung -  	89143211
Candidiasis of lungs -  	4891444
Pleurisy -  	4854444
Pneumonia -  	4814489
Pneumosclerosis -  	9871234
Pneumoconioses -  	8423457
Silicosis -  	4818912
[Silikatozy] -  	2224698
[A]c[bestoz] -  	4814321
[Talkoz] -  	4845145
[Metallokoniozy] -  	4845584
[Karbokoniozy] -  	8148545
Anthracosis -  	5843214
Pneumoconioses from the organic dust -  	4548912
Lung cancer -  	4541589
Sarcoidosis -  	4589123
Tuberculosis of the organs of respiration -  	8941234
[Khammena] - Rich syndrome -  	4814578
Emphysema of lungs - 	54321892


Alimentary dystrophia -  	5456784
Amoebiasis -  	1289145
Amyloidosis -  	5432185
[Arteriomezenterialnaya] impassability is partial -  	5891234
Atony of the gullet, stomach -  	8123457
[Akhalaziya] of [kardii] -  	4895132
Achylia of stomach is functional -  	8432157
[Bauginit] -  	58432148
Beriberi -  	3489112
Bronze diabetes -  	5454589
[Bulbit] -  	5432114
Gastritis -  	5485674
Gastritis is sharp -  	4567891
Gastritis is chronic -  	5489120
Gastrocardiac syndrome -  	5458914
Gastroptosis -  	81234574
Gastroenteritis -  	5485674
Gastroenterocolitis -  	8431287
[Gemokhromatoz] -  	5454589
Hepatite -  	5814243
Hepatite is sharp -  	58432141
Hepatites are chronic -  	5123891
Hepatoses -  	9876512
Hepatosis is sharp -  	1234576
Hepatosis is chronic fatty -  	5143214
Hepatosis is cholestatic -  	5421548
Hepatolenticular degeneration -  	5438912
[Gepatosplenomegalicheskiy] [lipoidoz] -  	4851888
[Gepatolienalnyy] syndrome -  	8451485
Of hypers-bilirubinemia are functional -  	84514851
Hypers-bilirubinemia functional innate -  	8432180
Hyper-bilirubinemia is [postgepatitnaya] -  	8214321
Hyperlipemia is essential -  	4851888
Hypovitaminoses -  	5154231
Hypersecretion is stomachic functional -  	5484214
Diabetes is bronze -  	5454589
Diarrhea is functional -  	81234574
Dysbacteriosis is intestinal -  	5432101
Dyskinesia of the digestive tract -  	8123457
Dyskinesia of the gullet is spastic -  	5481248
Dyskinesia of bile tracts -  	58432144
Dyskinesia of bowels -  	54321893
Dyspepsia -  	1112223
Dystrophia of the liver -  	9876512
Duodenitis -  	5432114
Duodenitis is sharp -  	481543288
Duodenitis is chronic -  	8432154
[Duodenostaz] -  	8123457
[Eyunit] -  	8431287
Jaundice -  	5432148
Jaundice is functional -  	84514851
Gallstone disease -  	148012
Bolt -  	5484548
Ihleite -  	8431287
Candidiasis (candidiasis, dairy woman) -  	54842148
Cardiospasm -  	4895132
[Kartsinoid] ([kartsinoidnyy] syndrome) -  	4848145
Intestinal of [limfangiektaziya] -  	5214321
Intestinal lipodystrophy -  	4814548
Colic is intestinal -  	8123457
Colitis -  	8454321
Colitis is sharp -  	5432145
Colitis is chronic -  	5481238
Insufficiency of cardial sphincter -  	8545142
Insufficiency of intestinal suction syndrome -  	48543215
Insufficiency of digestion syndrome -  	9988771
Lowering stomach -  	8123457
Sharp atony of stomach -  	5485671
Pancreatitis is chronic -  	5891432
Pneumatosis of stomach -  	54321455
Hepatic insufficiency syndrome -  	8143214
Food allergy -  	2841482
Diarrheas (diarrhea) -  	5843218
Portal hypertension syndrome -  	8143218
[Postgepatitnyy] syndrome -  	4812819
Scurvy -  	5432190
To [spru] [netropicheskaya] -  	8432150
To [spru] tropical -  	5481215
Tuberculosis of digestive system -  	8143215
Whipple disease -  	4814548
Phlegmon of stomach -  	4567891
Cholecystitis is sharp -  	4154382
Cholecystitis is chronic -  	5481245
Scurvy -  	5432190
Cirrhosis of the liver -  	4812345
Cirrhosis of the liver is pigment -  	5454589
[Ezofagit] -  	54321489
[Ezofagospazm] -  	8123457
Enteritis -  	8431287
Enteritis is sharp -  	54321481
Enteritis is chronic -  	5432140
Enterocolitis -  	8454321
Entero-stalemateII intestinal -  	8432150
[Enteropatiya] [glyutenovaya] -  	4891483
Entero-stalemateII [disakharidazodefitsitnye] -  	4845432
[Enteropatiya] exudative -  	48123454
The ulcer of the gullet is [pepticheskaya] -  	8432182
The ulcer of the small intestine is simple -  	48481452
Stomach ulcers are symptomatic -  	9671428
Stomach ulcer and duodenum - 	8125432


Amyloidosis -  	4512345
Anomalies of urinary system -  	1234571
Hydro-nephrosis -  	5432154
Glomerulonephritis -  	4812351
Glomerulonephritis is sharp -  	4285614
Pyelitis -  	5432110
Pyelonephritis -  	58143213
Polycystoses of kidneys -  	5421451
Renal colic -  	4321054
Kidney stones -  	5432143
The kidney deficiency -  	4321843
Sharp kidney deficiency -  	8218882
Chronic kidney deficiency -  	5488821
Tuberculosis of kidneys -  	5814543
Uremia is sharp -  	5421822
Uremia is chronic -  	8914381
Cystitis -  	48543211
Eclampsia is nephritic - 	8149141


Agranulocytosis -  	4856742
Anemias -  	48543212
Anemia is posthemorrhagic sharp -  	9481232
Anemias hereditary, connected with the disturbance of the synthesis of porphyrins (sideroachrestic anemias) -  	4581254
Anemia during the lead poisoning -  	1237819
Of anemias are [megaloblastnye] -  	5481254
Of anemias are hemolytic -  	5484813
Of anemias are immune hemolytic -  	5814311
Aplastic (hypoplastic) anemias -  	5481541
Anemia is sickle-cell -  	7891017
Disease Hoche -  	5145432
[Gemoblastozy] are extra-medullary -  	54321451
[Gemoblastozy] are [paraproteinemicheskie] -  	8432184
Hemorrhagic diatheses -  	5148543
[Gemo]pp[agicheskie] diatheses, caused by the pathology of vessels -  	54815438
[Disprotrombii] -  	5481542
[Leykemoidnye] reactions -  	5814321
Leucoses -  	5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis -  	4845714
Radiation sickness is acute radiation sickness -  	481543294
[Mielemiya] -  	5142357
Hereditary ellipocytosis -  	51454323
Hereditary [stomatotsitoz] -  	4814581
Of neutropenias are hereditary -  	8432145
Paroxysmal night hemoglobinuria -  	5481455
[Talassemii] -  	7765437
[T]p[ombotsitopatii] -  	5418541
Of [trombofilii] are hematogenic -  	4814543
[Favizm] -  	54321457
Chronic radiation sickness -  	4812453
Cytostatic disease - 	4812813


Acromegaly -  	1854321
Innate disturbances of sexual differentiation -  	5451432
Virile syndrome -  	89143212
Hyperinsulinism -  	48454322
Hyper-paradashOZ -  	5481412
[Giperprolaktinemiya] -  	4812454
Hypo-gonadism -  	48143121
Hypo-paradashOZ (tetany) -  	4514321
Hypothyroidism (myxedema) -  	4812415
Hypophyseal [nanizm] (dwarfism) -  	4141414
Diabetes is non-sugar -  	4818888
Diabetes is sugar -  	8819977
[Dispituitarizm] is youthful -  	4145412
Diffuse toxic goiter (disease [Greyvsa]- it is basedow's) -  	5143218
Goiter is endemic -  	5432178
[Itsenko] - Cushing disease -  	54321458
Interstitial- hypophyseal insufficiency -  	48143214
Myxedema -  	4812415
Suprarenal insufficiency -  	4812314
Obesity -  	4812412
Tumors -  	4541548
Premature sexual development -  	4814312
Thyroiditis -  	4811111
Pheochromocytoma - 	4818145


Occupational diseases, caused by the action of chemical factors -  	9916514
Occupational diseases, caused by the action of physical factors -  	4514541
Occupational diseases, caused by the overloading of individual organs and systems -  	4814542
Diseases, caused by the action of wetware - 	81432184


Acute poisonings: 	
(oral poisonings) -  	5142154
(inhalation poisonings) -  	4548142
(percutaneous poisonings) -  	4814823
(injection poisonings) -  	4818142
Psychoneurological disorders -  	9977881
Defeat of kidneys -  	5412123
Defeat of the liver -  	48145428
Exotoxic shock -  	4185421
Acute poisonings, caused by the bites of snakes and poisonous arthropods -  	4812521
Bites of snakes -  	4114111
Stingings of scorpions -  	4188888
Bites of steppe spider -  	8181818
Stingings of wasps and bees - 	9189189


Amoebiasis -  	1289145
[Balantidiaz] -  	1543218
Rabies (hydrophobia) -  	4812543

“The disease of cat scratch” - 48145421

Botkin disease -  	5412514
[Brilla] disease -  	514854299
Botulism -  	5481252
Brucellosis -  	4122222
[Varioloid] -  	4848148
Virus hepatite A also in (Botkin's disease) -  	5412514
Helminthiases -  	5124548
Alveococcosis -  	5481454
Ancylostomiasis -  	4815454
Ascariasis -  	4814812
[Gimenolepidoz] -  	54812548
[Difillobotrioz] -  	4812354
[Klonorkhoz] -  	5412348
[Metagonimoz] -  	54812541
Opistorchosis -  	5124542
[Strongiloidoz] -  	54812527
[Teniarinkhoz] -  	4514444
[Tenioz] -  	4855555
Trichinosis (trichinosis) -  	7777778
[Trikhostrongilidozy] -  	9998888
[Trikhotsefalez] -  	4125432
[Fastsiolez] -  	4812542
[Tsistitserkoz] -  	4512824
[Shistosomoz] ([bilgartsioz]) -  	48125428
Entero-bioses -  	5123542
Echinococcosis -  	5481235
Hemorrhagic fever -  	5124567
Herpetic infection -  	2312489
Influenza -  	4814212
Dysentery -  	4812148
Diphtheria -  	5556679
[Iersinioz] -  	5123851
[Kampilobakterioz] -  	4815421
Whooping cough -  	4812548
Measles -  	4214825
German measles -  	4218547
[Legionellez] -  	5142122
[Leyshmaniozy] -  	5184321
Leptospirosis -  	5128432
Listeriosis -  	5812438
Q fever -  	5148542
Marburg fever -  	5184599
Lambliasis -  	5189148
Malaria -  	5189999
Meningococcus infection -  	5891423
Mycoplasmosis -  	5481111
Mononucleosis is infectious -  	5142548
Ornithosis -  	5812435
Smallpox is wind -  	48154215
Smallpox is natural -  	4848148
Acute respiratory diseases -  	48145488
[Parakoklyush] -  	2222221
Parotitis is epidemic (pig) -  	3218421
Pediculosis -  	48148121
Food poisonings by bacterial toxins -  	5184231
Pseudotuberculosis -  	514854212
Erysipelas -  	4123548
[Rotavirusnoe] disease -  	5148567
Salmonelloses -  	5142189
Anthrax -  	9998991
Scarlet fever -  	5142485
Tetanus -  	5671454
Syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) -  	5148555
Typhoparatyphoid diseases -  	1411111
Typhus of spotted -  	1444444
Typhus of spotted tongs -  	5189499
Toxoplasmosis -  	8914755
Tularemia -  	4819489
Cholera -  	4891491
Plague -  	8998888
Enteroviral diseases -  	8123456
Tick-borne encephalitis -  	7891010
Escherichioses -  	1238888
Foot-and-mouth disease - 	9912399


Vitamin insufficiency: 	
(avitaminoses) -  	5451234
(hypovitaminoses) -  	5154231
Insufficiency of vitamin A  	4154812
Insufficiency of the vitamin Of [v] -  	11234578
Insufficiency of vitamin B (riboflavin) -  	21485421
Insufficiency of nicotinic acid -  	1842157
Insufficiency of vitamin B -  	69785621
Insufficiency of vitamin C -  	4141255
Insufficiency of vitamin D -  	5421432
The insufficiency of vitamin it is k-th  	4845414
Hypo-polyvitaminoses, [poliavitaminozy] - 	4815432


Adrenogenital syndrome -  	45143213
Allergoses are respiratory -  	45143212
Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis -  	5814325
Allergic laryngitis -  	58143214
Allergic tracheitis -  	514854218
Allergic bronchitis -  	5481432
Allergic pneumonia -  	51843215
Alcoholic syndrome of fruit -  	4845421

a - antitrypsin scarcity - 11454545

Anemias -  	48543212
Iron-deficiency anemias -  	1458421
Toxic hemolytic anemias -  	45481424
Aspiration of foreign bodies -  	4821543
Bronchial asthma -  	58145428
Bronchitis is sharp -  	5482145
[Vaskulit] hemorrhagic ([kapillyarotoksikoz], the disease Of [shenleyna]- Of [genokha]) -  	5128421
[Galaktozemiya] -  	48125421
Hemolytic disease of newborns -  	5125432
Hemorrhagic disease of newborns -  	5128543
Hemophilia -  	548214514
Hepatite -  	5814243
Hypertension is portal -  	45143211
Glucosuria is nephritic -  	5142585
Hypervitaminosis D -  	5148547
Hypothyroidism -  	4512333
[Gistiotsitoz] X -  	5484321
Glomerulonephritis is diffuse -  	5145488
Diabetes is sugar -  	4851421
Diabetes is nephritic non-sugar -  	5121111
Diabetes is nephritic salt (pseudo-hypoaldosteronizm) -  	3245678
Diathesis is allergic -  	195451
Diathesis is hemorrhagic -  	480421
Diathesis is lymphatic -  	5148548
Dyspepsia is simple -  	5142188
Dyspepsia is parenteral -  	8124321
Dyspepsia is toxic -  	514218821
Dystonia is vegetative-vascular -  	514218838
Distress- syndrome is respiratory in newborns -  	5148284
Jaundice of newborns -  	4815457
Croup is false -  	5148523
Leucosis -  	5481347
[Malabsorbtsii] syndrome -  	4518999
[Mukovistsidoz] -  	9154321
Nephritis is hereditary -  	5854312
[Pilorostenoz] -  	5154321
[Pilorospazm] -  	5141482
Pneumonia is fine focal -  	4814489
Pneumonia of newborns -  	5151421
Pneumonia is chronic -  	51421543
Polyarthritis is chronic unspecific -  	8914201
Defects of heart innate -  	14891548
Rachitis -  	5481232
Vomiting -  	1454215
Rheumatism -  	5481543
Sepsis of newborns -  	4514821
Spasmophilia -  	5148999
Staphylococcal infection -  	5189542
Stenosing laryngitis -  	1489542
Subfebrile state in children -  	5128514
Spasms -  	51245424
Sub-sepsis allergic [Visslera]- Franconi -  	5421238
Toxic syndrome -  	5148256
Injury is intracranial ancestral -  	518999981
Tuberculosis -  	5148214
Early tubercular intoxication -  	1284345
Phenylketonuria -  	5148321
Phosphate- diabetes -  	5148432
De Tony- Debra -[Fankoni] syndrome -  	4514848
[Tseliakiya] -  	4154548
Exudative of [enteropatiya] -  	4548123
Surgical diseases at the childhood -  	5182314
Angioma -  	4812599
Appendicitis -  	9999911
Atresia of bile tracts -  	9191918
Atresia of the small intestine -  	9188888
Atresia and stenosis of duodenum -  	5557777
Atresia of anus and rectum -  	6555557
Atresia of the gullet -  	8194321
The rupture of umbilical cord is embryonic -  	5143248
Rupture is diaphragmal -  	5189412
Diverticulum Of [mekkelev] -  	4815475
Invagination -  	5148231
[Kefalgematoma] -  	48543214
Hemorrhages are gastrointestinal -  	5121432
Aplasia of sky -  	5151515
The burn of the gullet is chemical -  	5148599
Osteomyelitis is epiphysial -  	12345895
[Pilorostenoz] -  	5154321
Tera-Toma sacral- coccyx region -  	481543238
Phlegmon of newborns - 	51485433


Anomalies of labor -  	14891543
Asphyxia of fruit and newly born -  	4812348
Pregnancy is uterine -  	1899911
Pregnancy is extra-uterine -  	4812311
Pregnancy and kinds, the determination of period -  	1888711
Pregnancy is prolific -  	123457854
Pregnancy transferred -  	5142148
Disease of mammary glands -  	48123147
Hemorrhages (obstetrical) -  	4814821
Abundance of water -  	5123481
Anesthetization of kinds -  	5421555
Working the umbilical cord of newborn -  	123455
Postpartum period (normal) -  	12891451
Postpartum period (pathologic) -  	41854218
[Predlezhanie] and precipitation of umbilical cord -  	1485432
[Predlezhanie] of the placenta -  	1481855
Premature scaling of the normally located placenta -  	1111155
Premature kinds -  	1284321
[Puzyrnyy] drift -  	4121543
Breaks of sex organs -  	148543291
Toxicoses of pregnant females -  	1848542
Narrow basin -  	2148543
Anatomically narrow basin -  	4812312
Clinically narrow basin -  	4858543
Embolism by pericarpic waters -  	5123412
Female diseases -  	1854312
Adnexitis -  	5143548
Adrenogenital syndrome -  	148542121
Algodysmenorrhea -  	4815812
Amenorrhea -  	514354832
Anovular cycle -  	4813542
Apoplexy of ovary -  	1238543
Bartholinitis -  	58143215
Linen yarns -  	5128999
Sterility -  	9918755
It [vaginit] (it [kolpit]) -  	5148533
[Vulvit] -  	5185432
[Vulvovaginit] -  	5814513
Gonorrhea in women -  	5148314
Itch of the vulva -  	5414845
Cyst of ovary -  	5148538
Cystoma of ovary -  	58432143
Climacteric. Climacteric neurosis -  	4851548
[Kolpit] -  	5148533
[Krauroz] of the vulva -  	58143218
Hemorrhages are uterine disfunctional -  	4853541
[Leykoplakiya] of the vulva, neck of womb -  	5185321
Myoma of womb -  	51843216
Oophoritis -  	5143548
Lowering and precipitation of womb and sheath -  	514832183
Parametritis -  	5143215
Polyps of body and neck of womb -  	518999973
Premenstrual syndrome -  	9917891
Cancer of female sex organs -  	5148945
[Salpingit] -  	5148914
Syndrome of [sklerokistoznykh] ovaries (matte -[Leventalya]) -  	518543248
Tuberculosis of sex organs -  	8431485
[Khorionepitelioma] -  	4854123
EndoMEtrioses -  	5481489
Endometritis -  	8142522
[Endotservitsit] -  	4857148
Erosion of the neck of womb - 	54321459


Abscess of brain -  	1894811
Aneurysm of the vessels of brain -  	1485999
Arachnoiditis -  	4567549
Asthenic syndrome -  	1891013
Athetosis -  	1454891
Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis -  	5148910
Hydrocephalus -  	81432143
[Gepatotserebralnaya] dystrophia -  	48143212
Headache -  	4818543
Vertigo -  	514854217
Children's cerebral paralyses -  	4818521
Diencephalic (hypothalamic) syndrome -  	514854215
Stroke of cerebral -  	4818542
Stroke is spinal -  	8888881
Coma -  	1111012
Meningitis -  	51485431
Myasthenia -  	9987542
Myelitis -  	4891543
[Mielopatiya] -  	51843219
[Migrenoznaya] neuralgia -  	4851485
Migraine -  	4831421
Myotonia innate of Thomsen -  	4848514
Myotonia dystrophic [Kurshmanna]-[Battena]-[Shteynerta] -  	481543244
Mono-neuropathies -  	4541421
Narcolepsy -  	48543216
Neuropathy of facial nerve -  	518999955
Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve -  	5148485
Neurorheumatism -  	8185432
[Neyrosifilis] -  	5482148
Fainting (syncope) -  	4854548
Shingles -  	51454322
Tumors of brain -  	5451214
Tumors of spinal cord -  	51843210
Tumors of peripheral nervous system -  	514832182
Ophthalmoplegy -  	4848532
Parkinsonism -  	5481421
Periodic familial paralysis -  	5123488
[Peronealnaya] amyotrophy of Charcot- Marie -  	4814512
Poly-neuropathies -  	4838514
[Poliradikulonevropatiya] demyelinating [Giyena] - [Barre] -  	4548128
Poliomyelitis is sharp epidemic -  	2223214
[Postpunktsionnyy] syndrome -  	818543231
Progressive muscular dystrophia -  	85432183
Disorder of sleep -  	514248538
[Radikulopatii] [diskogennye] -  	5481321
Multiple sclerosis -  	51843218
Syringomyelia -  	1777771
Spinal amyotrophy -  	5483312
Tremor -  	3148567
[Fakomatozy] -  	5142314
Funicular [mieloz] -  	518543251
Chorea -  	4831485
Craniocerebral injury -  	51843213
Aidy is syndrome -  	18543211
Encephalitis are virus -  	48188884
External meningitis - 	888888149


Alcoholism -  	148543292
Amnestic (Korsakoff's) syndrome -  	4185432
Affective syndromes -  	548142182
Delirious syndromes -  	8142351
Hallucinatory syndrome (hallucinosis) -  	4815428
Defect is mental -  	8885512
Intoxicating psychoses -  	1142351
Hysterical syndromes -  	5154891
Catatonic syndromes -  	51843214
Manic-depressive psychosis -  	514218857
Obtrusive states -  	8142543
Addictions (toxicomania) -  	5333353
Neuroses -  	48154211
Negative (defective) states -  	5418538
Oligophrenia (dementia) -  	1857422
Loss of consciousness -  	4518533
[Presenialnye] ([predstarcheskie], involutional) psychoses -  	18543219
Progressive paralysis -  	512143223
Psycho-organic syndrome -  	51843212
Psychopathy -  	4182546
Reactive psychoses -  	101255
Super-valuable ideas syndrome -  	148454283
[Senestopaticheski]- hypochondriac syndrome -  	1488588
Senile psychoses -  	481854383
Symptomatic psychoses -  	8148581
Toxicomania and addiction -  	1414551
Traumatic encephalopathy -  	18543217
Schizophrenia -  	1858541
Epilepsy - 	1484855


[Vaginizm] -  	5142388
Hypersexuality -  	5414855
Impotence -  	8851464
Onanism -  	21421
Sexual distortions -  	1112
Sexual disorders -  	1818191
Imaginary sexual disorders -  	1484811
Neurohumoral sexual disorders -  	1888991
Mental sexual disorders -  	2148222
Disorders of [erektsionnoy] component of [kopulyativnogo] cycle -  	184854281
Disorders of [eyakulyatornoy] component of [kopulyativnogo] cycle -  	1482541
[Frigidnost] - 	5148222


Actinomycosis of the skin -  	148542156
Alopecia (baldness, baldness) -  	5484121
Angiitises ([vaskulity]) of the skin -  	1454231
Atopic dermatitis -  	5484215
[Balanopostit] -  	5814231
Welding dribbles -  	5148521
[Vaskulity] of the skin -  	5142544
[Vitiligo] -  	4812588
Gonorrhea (man) -  	2225488
Mushroom-shaped micose -  	4814588
Dermatitis -  	1853121
Ichthyosis -  	9996789
Candidiasis -  	9876591
Skin itch -  	1249812
Condylomas are pointed -  	1489543
Hives -  	1858432
[Layella] syndrome -  	4891521
Leprosy -  	148543294
Lymphogranulomatosis is inguinal -  	1482348
Lichen is red flat -  	4858415
Lichen is many-colored ([otrubevidnyy]) -  	18543214
Lichen is pink -  	5148315
[Mastotsitoz] -  	148542171
[Mikrosporiya] -  	1858321
Mollusk is contagious -  	514321532
Neurodermatitis -  	1484857
Tumors of the skin -  	1458914
Pyoderma -  	51432149
Pruritus -  	5189123
Psoriasis -  	999899181
Bladderwort -  	8145321
[Rozatsea] -  	518914891
[Rubromikoz] -  	4518481
Seborrhea -  	1234512
Syphillis -  	1484999
Stephens- Johnson syndrome -  	9814753
[Toksikodermiya] ([toksidermiya]) -  	514832184
Trichophytosis -  	4851482
Tuberculosis of the skin -  	148543296
Blackheads are usual -  	514832185
[Favus] -  	4851481
Itch -  	8132548
Chancre is soft -  	4815451
Eczema -  	548132151
Epidermophytosis -  	5148532
Erythema is knotty -  	15184321
Erythema is exudative multi-form -  	548142137
[Eritrazma] - 	4821521


Surgical diseases of adult -  	5843215
Abscess -  	8148321
Adenoma of prostate gland -  	51432144
Actinomycosis -  	4832514
Aneurysm -  	48543218
Aneurysm of heart -  	9187549
Appendicitis -  	54321484
Atheroma -  	888888179
[Bronkhoektazy] -  	4812578
Varicose expansion of the veins of lower extremities -  	4831388
Varicose expansion of the veins of seed cord -  	81432151
Dropsy of egg and seed cord -  	481543255
Dislocations -  	5123145
Precipitation of rectum -  	514832187
Gangrene is gas -  	45143218
Gangrene of lung -  	4838543
Hemarthrosis -  	4857543
Haemorrhoid -  	58143219
[Gidradenit] -  	4851348
Gynecomastia -  	4831514
Ruptures -  	95184321
Dumping - syndrome -  	4184214
Diverticula -  	48543217
[Divertikulez] large intestine -  	4851614
Gallstone disease -  	148012
Jaundice is mechanical -  	8012001
Retention of urine is sharp -  	144444
Syndrome of Zollinger- Ellison -  	148543295
The foreign bodies of bronchi -  	5485432
The foreign bodies of stomach -  	8184321
The foreign bodies of the gullet -  	14854321
Foreign bodies of soft tissues -  	148543297
Carbuncle -  	483854381
Cyst of mammary gland -  	4851432
Cysts and the blowholes of neck are lateral -  	514854214
Cysts and the blowholes of neck are middle -  	4548541
Colitis is unspecific ulcerous -  	48143211
Coccyx epithelial motion -  	9018532
Talipes -  	485143241
[Krivosheya] -  	4548512
Cryptorchism -  	485143287
Hemorrhage is internal -  	5142543
Hemorrhage is external -  	4321511
Kron disease -  	94854321
[Leyomioma] -  	5514214
Lymphadenitis -  	4542143
Lymphangitis -  	484851482
Lipoma -  	4814842
False joint -  	4814214
Mastitis -  	8152142
[Mastopatiya] -  	84854321
Mega-column -  	4851543
Mediastinitis -  	4985432
Impassability of bowels -  	4548148
Nail grown -  	4548547
Freezing -  	4858514
Burns are thermal -  	8191111
Occlusion of main arteries -  	81543213
[Orkhoepididimit] -  	818432151
Osteomyelitis is traumatic -  	514854221
Sharp stomach -  	5484543
Acute pancreatitis -  	4881431
Acute cholecystitis -  	4154382
Panaritium -  	8999999
[Penetriruyushchaya] ulcer -  	9148532
Break -  	7776551
Peritonitis -  	1428543
[Piopnevmotoraks] -  	148543299
Flat-foot -  	1891432
Pneumothorax is spontaneous -  	481854221
Damage of internal organs -  	8914319
Polyp -  	4819491
[Postkholetsistektomicheskiy] syndrome -  	4518421
[Probodnaya] ulcer -  	8143291
Bedsore -  	6743514
Prostatitis -  	9718961
Break of meniscus -  	8435482
Wounds -  	5148912
Blowholes of rectum -  	5189421
Stenosis of the output division of stomach -  	81543211
Crack of rear passage -  	81454321
Thromboangiitis -  	5432142
Thrombophlebitis -  	1454580
Tuberculosis of the bones -  	148543281
Urethritis -  	1387549
Injury -  	156912
[Fibroadenoma] of mammary gland -  	4854312
Phimosis and paraphymosis -  	180010
[Flebotromboz] -  	1454580
Phlegmon -  	48143128
Furuncle -  	5148385
[Kholangit] -  	8431548
Electrotrauma -  	5185431
Empyema of pleura -  	514854223
Endarteritis obliterating -  	4518521
Ulcers are trophic -  	514852154
Surgical diseases of newborns -  	514218871
Surgical diseases of the organs of abdominal cavity -  	5184311
Innate [kholangiopatii] of newborns -  	948514211
Surgical diseases of the organs of chest -  	5184312
Atresia of the gullet -  	518543157
Innate diaphragmal rupture -  	518543257
Innate cysts of lungs -  	4851484
Pneumothorax -  	5142147
[Trakheopishchevodnyy] blowhole -  	514854714
Pyoinflammatory diseases -  	514852171
Mastitis of newborns -  	514854238
Acute hematogenic osteomyelitis -  	5141542
Peritonitis -  	4184321
Sharp [paraproktit] -  	4842118
Necrotic phlegmon of newborns -  	514852173
Disease of supporting-motor apparatus -  	514218873
Injuries and orthopedic diseases -  	1418518
Ankylosis -  	1848522
Bursitis -  	75184321
Hemarthrosis -  	7184321
Bend of  toes towards the outside -  	15418521
Contracture of Dupuytren -  	5185421
Contracture of joints -  	8144855
False joint -  	8214231
Damages of internal organs -  	5432188
Tension -  	5148517
Traumatic amputation -  	5451891
Traumatic shock - 	1454814


Adenoids -  	5189514
Angina (acute tonsillitis) -  	1999999
Antritis (otoantritis) -  	1844578
Atresias and [sinekhii] of the cavity of the nose -  	1989142
Aerosinusitis -  	514854237
Hematoma of nasal septum -  	5431482
Hypertrophy of palatine almonds -  	4514548
Diaphragm of larynx -  	148543283
[Evstakhiit] -  	18554321
Retropharyngeal abscess -  	1454321
Foreign bodies -  	54321545
Bend of nasal septum -  	148543285
Hemorrhage is nose -  	65184321
Labyrinthitis -  	48154219
Laryngitis -  	4548511
[Laringospazm] -  	485148248
Mastoiditis is sharp -  	514832186
Meniere disease -  	514854233
To [mukotsele] ([piotsele]) of frontal sinus -  	5148322
Head cold (rhinitis) -  	5189912
The head cold is vasomotor, is allergic -  	514852351
Neuritis is cochlear (neuritis of auditory nerve) -  	1488513
Ozena (fetid head cold) -  	514854241
Tumors of larynx -  	5148742
Edema of larynx -  	2314514
[Otgematoma] -  	4853121
Otitis -  	55184321
Otomycosis -  	514832188
Otosclerosis -  	4814851
Pareses and paralyses of larynx -  	1854555
Polyps of nose -  	5519740
Sepsis is otogenic -  	5900001
Sulfuric plug -  	48145814
Sinusitis -  	1800124
Scleroma -  	198514
Stenosis of larynx -  	7654321
[Stridor] innate -  	4185444
Tonsillitis is sharp -  	1999999
Tonsillitis is chronic -  	35184321
Injuries of ear -  	4548515
Tuberculosis of larynx -  	5148541
Pharyngitis -  	1858561
[Faringomikoz] -  	1454511
Fibroma of nasopharynx -  	1111122
Furuncle of the threshold of nose - 	1389145


Amblyopia -  	1899999
Asthenopia -  	9814214
Astigmatism -  	1421543
Atrophy of optical nerve -  	5182432
Blepharitis -  	5142589
Short sightedness (myopia) -  	548132198
Spring catarrh -  	514258951
Dislocation of crystalline -  	25184321
Inversion is century -  	5142321
Hemeralopia -  	5142842
Glaucoma -  	5131482
Dacryocystitis -  	45184321
Long sightedness -  	5189988
Stagnant disk of optical nerve -  	145432152
Iritis -  	5891231
Cataract -  	5189142
Keratitis -  	518432114
Conjunctivitis -  	5184314
Squint -  	518543254
Wing-shaped membrane -  	18543212
Neuritis of optical nerve -  	5451589
Impassability of the central artery of retina -  	514852178
Impassability of the central vein of retina -  	7777788
Burns of eyes -  	8881112
Lowering upper eyelid (ptosis) -  	18543121
Scaling of retina -  	1851760
Panophtalmitis -  	5141588
Presbyopia -  	1481854
Injuries of eyeball -  	518432118
Retinitis -  	5484512
Light ophthalmia -  	5841321
Sympathetic inflammation -  	8185321
Scleritis, [episklerit] -  	514854248
Trachoma -  	5189523
Uveitis -  	548432198
[Khalazion] -  	5148582
Chorio-iditol -  	5182584
Exophthalmos -  	5454311
[Endoftalmit] -  	514254842
Ulcer of cornea -  	548432194
Barley - 	514854249


Abscess of near-maxillary -  	518231415
Alveolitis -  	5848188
Ankylosis of temporal- mandibular joint -  	514852179
Arthritis of temporal- mandibular -  	548432174
Dislocation of temporal- mandibular joint -  	5484311
Dislocation of tooth -  	485143277
[Gingivity] -  	548432123
Hyperesthesia of teeth - 	1484312
Hypoplasia of enamel -  	74854321
[Glossalgiya] -  	514852181
Glossitis -  	1484542
Dental stone -  	514852182
Caries of tooth -  	5148584
Cysts are maxillary -  	514218877
Hemorrhage after the operation of the removal of tooth -  	8144542
[Kserostomiya] -  	5814514
[Leykoplakiya] -  	485148151
Osteomyelitis of jaws -  	5414214
Sharp toothache -  	5182544
Papillitis -  	5844522
[Parodontoz] -  	58145421
[Parodontit] -  	5182821
Break of tooth -  	814454251
Breaks of jaws -  	5182148
[Perikoronarit] -  	5188888
Periodontitis is apical -  	3124601
Pulpitis -  	1468550
The [stomatogennaya] infection is chronic -  	514854814
Stomatites -  	4814854
Phlegmon is near-maxillary -  	5148312
[Kheylit] - 	518431482



System of the blood -  	148542139
Urine -  	1852155
Intestinal contained -  	1485458
Saliva -  	514821441
Gastric juice -  	5148210
Bile -  	514852188
Biochemistry of the blood -  	514832189
Indices of the activity of the systems of neuroendocrine regulation - 	518432121